

Can Social Media Really Foster True Connection?

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Dr. Leah Snodgrass is a Board-Certified child, adolescent, and general adult psychiatrist who serves as Associate Professor and Chair of Behavioral Health at Lincoln memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine. She joins Dr. George to discuss interpersonal communications in the age of social media

Trauma and God: The Connection that Heals

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Kelly Hawley, an ordained minister and the founder and Executive Director of Warrior Bride Ministries joins Dr. George to discuss how mind, body and a connection to God is instrumental in healing those who have deep seated trauma. This ministry specializes in inner healing and

Electropollution: How to Protect Yourself

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Brandon LaGreca, Lac, MAcOM author, speaker and holistic medical practitioner, joins Dr. George to discuss how to protect yourself from the negative effects of electropollution and how the mind can be the most powerful tool to prevent illness such as cancer.  He is nationally certified

Origins of the Homeless Crisis

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Wesley J. Smith, lawyer, award winning author, and Chair and Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center For Human Exceptionalism joins Dr. George to explore the policies that have led to the homeless crisis. Wesley J. Smith is an award-winning author, international lecturer and public speaker.

Small Business Resilience and How to Thrive in Uncertain Times

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Returning guest Kerry Lutz, the founder of The Financial Survival Network, joins Dr. George to discuss what small business owners can do to make their business more resilient in order to thrive in uncertain financial times.  Kerry Lutz has been a student of Austrian Economics

Sustainable Development Goals: Helping or Controlling Us?

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Lynne Taylor, educational researcher and consultant, writer, and speaker known as The Common Core Diva, re-joins Dr. George to discuss sustainable development goals. What are they? Are they going to be used to help or control us?   Lynne Taylor has been the Common Core

Discover Bentonite Clay: Detox and Heal

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Perry Arledge, author of Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature's Pathway to Healing joins Dr. George to discuss the ways this detox clay can safely and effectively help people in a plethora of ways through detoxing, alkalizing, stimulating and balancing. Perry Arledge has been an ongoing student

Discover Bentonite Clay: Detox and Heal

Perry Arledge, author of Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature's Pathway to Healing discusses the ways this detox clay can safely and effectively help people in a plethora of ways through detoxing, alkalizing, stimulating and balancing. Perry Arledge has been an ongoing student in the study of Bentonite Clays since the early 1990's. It was then that

The Truth and Consequences of ESG

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Dr. Daniel Sutter Ph.D., Professor of Economics at Troy University discusses economic, social, and governance (ESG) – truth and consequences. Dr. Sutter is the Charles G. Koch Professor of Economics with the Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy at Troy University and is a

Low Toxic Home: Things You Need to Consider

[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Jennifer Scribner, Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner and certified GAPS practitioner joins Dr. George to discuss solutions to create a low toxic home. She was trained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride in 2011. Her specialty is helping people learn and follow this specific diet to address autism