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Dc and Md Reciprocal Agreement

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Dc and Md Reciprocal Agreement

DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you live in Washington D.C. or Maryland, you may be aware of the Reciprocal Agreement that exists between the two states. This agreement allows residents of the District of Columbia and Maryland to pay taxes where they live, rather than where they work. Here`s everything you need to know about the DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement.

What is the DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement?

The DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement is a tax agreement between the District of Columbia and the State of Maryland. This agreement allows residents of both jurisdictions to pay income taxes where they live, rather than where they work. This agreement applies to residents who live in Maryland and work in D.C. and vice versa.

How does it work?

Under the agreement, residents living in Maryland who work in D.C. will only have to file one income tax return with Maryland and pay taxes to that state. They will be exempt from paying income tax to the District of Columbia. Likewise, residents living in D.C. and working in Maryland will only have to file one income tax return with D.C. and pay taxes to that state. They will be exempt from paying income tax to Maryland.

Why was the Reciprocal Agreement created?

The Reciprocal Agreement was created to simplify the tax process for residents of both D.C. and Maryland. Before this agreement was in place, residents had to file taxes in both jurisdictions and pay income tax to both states, which was both time-consuming and costly. The agreement helps to eliminate double taxation and save both time and money for residents.

What are the benefits of the Reciprocal Agreement?

The DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement offers several benefits to residents of both jurisdictions. Some of these benefits include:

1. Simplified Tax Filing: The agreement simplifies the tax filing process for residents, allowing them to file one tax return with their home state.

2. Elimination of Double Taxation: The agreement eliminates double taxation, which means residents will only have to pay income tax to their home state.

3. Cost Savings: The agreement helps residents save money on taxes, as they will no longer have to pay income tax to both D.C. and Maryland.


The DC and MD Reciprocal Agreement is a beneficial tax agreement for residents of both the District of Columbia and Maryland. It simplifies the tax filing process, eliminates double taxation, and offers cost savings to residents. If you live in either of these areas, be sure to take advantage of this agreement.

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