

Obamacare Deception

Once the patients are within the Obamacare system, is there any doubt that the doctors will be next? One only need pay attention to the trial balloon that was sent up by Virginia Democrat Kathleen Murphy who stated that doctors should be legally forced to take Medicare and Medicaid – That is the Obamacare endgame. The goal is collectivism which allows the government to be the arbiter of what constitutes what is best for everyone - except the elite and their cronies. For a physician, not only will this mean a restriction of trade, it will also mean the end of The Hippocratic Oath, and the death of the doctor patient relationship.

Obamacare Reality Check

When the system is overwhelmed and breaks, as it was intended, the end result will be a complete takeover of the healthcare system by the government as single payer, socialized medicine. There will also be another enormous change in our country. There will be a transfer of wealth, not from the rich to the poor, but instead from the middle class making them dependent on the government.

Obamacare: Smoke And Mirrors

The most ironic part about Obamacare is it will not lead to a significant decrease in those who cannot access meaningful healthcare. People will still not be able to access healthcare either because they can’t find a doctor or they cannot afford to seek treatment. The only difference is they will be forced to pay for the privilege... but maybe that’s the point. Create the problem, wait for the reaction and provide the solution as Harry Reid gleefully admitted – single payer.

Medicare Fact vs. Fiction

The meme of Medicare as the template for universal healthcare as the direction which the country should move because it will provide better, more comprehensive and cheaper healthcare is not true. Welcome to the world of Obamacare were centralized planning applied to medicine places the good of the collective over the rights of the individual who is deemed to be too ignorant to make his or her own healthcare decisions. In short, the answer to healthcare is not more government intervention…it is less.

Obamacare Unmasked

Most Americans probably never realized that the much touted transfer of wealth was not going to be to those in the middle class, but instead would be taken from the middle class in taxes raised by Obamacare in order to enrich cronies like AARP, Big Pharma, hospitals and the medical insurance industry who advocated for passing the bill. Now that it has passed and we know what is in it, physicians must decide if they will honor their Hippocratic Oath and stop participating in a system which forces them through fear and coercion to act against the interests of their patients before they have no choice.

The Antidote To The Affordable Care Act Is Non-Participation

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld The Affordable Care Act the final piece of the puzzle is in place. We will begin the inevitable slide to the end of patient driven healthcare – individualized medicine led by independent doctors in consultation with their patients. The healthcare system is broken, but The Affordable Care Act is not the solution. Instead of depending on Congress and waiting for an election to bring change, it is up both doctors and patients to work together to take back our power.

Boxing, Wrestling, And Now The Affordable Care Act: Is The Fix In?

Obamacare was sold to Americans using smoke and mirrors. We only need to look at what has happened in Massachusetts to see the future: their costs of healthcare have risen; despite mandates people game the system carrying coverage when they are ill while dropping it when they recover (getting far more out of the system then they are putting in); the waiting time to see doctors is longer; and because the system is losing money, reimbursement to providers and hospitals will drop Obamacare sets up a system that is a transfer of wealth from the 99% - this is not change that Americans should stand for. It can only be reversed if doctors and patients stop playing the game and move to a free market system that removes the corporate and government middle men. This can be accomplished by both patients and doctors re-entering a fee for service system based on pricing transparency, and movement by patients to catastrophic coverage.

More Money To Be Made On Sickness Than Health: Health Insurance Reform Does Not Equal Good Healthcare

True healthcare reform means limiting the power of insurance companies not expanding it. The truth is although it makes a great rallying point, nothing is for free. The implementation of Obamacare will cost patients more and they will receive less care. In short, the bill serves to further the very corporate interests (i.e., the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and the American Medical Association) that have inserted themselves between the doctor and the patient while raising healthcare costs. Instead of stopping this, ACA rewards them because there is more money to be made on sickness than on health.

Obamacare and Appeasement: An Unholy Alliance

The Democrats and the Republicans have done a masterful job of demonizing the physician. The doctor has been the scapegoat for skyrocketing health care costs while giving more power over the medical industry to those entities that have been the architects of the broken healthcare system that we have today. In short, the system is a complex network of corporate middlemen, that have worked tirelessly figuring out ways to skim profits while simultaneously shifting the costs to patients, rationing their care in the form of pre-certifications, increasing premiums, and outright denials on one hand while decreasing physician reimbursements (in the form of bundling), lowering fees, implementing recovery audits to claw back reimbursements, and outright denials of payment after services are rendered on the other. The government has put rules and regulations into place that encourage and reward this behavior, while ensuring that doctors and patients continue to feed a beast that needs increasingly more money to run a system that is based on the management of chronic disease instead of true prevention. It is no wonder that we are spending more money on healthcare and are on more medication, yet we as society are getting sicker.