Medicare for all

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Healthcare Facts Count

A recent Pew study concluded that 60% of Americans believe that the government should be responsible for providing healthcare coverage. The first thing that people need to ask is was the methodology used to perform the study a valid way to extrapolate what over 300 million people really want? And second, can accurate conclusions

Obamacare Deception

Once the patients are within the Obamacare system, is there any doubt that the doctors will be next? One only need pay attention to the trial balloon that was sent up by Virginia Democrat Kathleen Murphy who stated that doctors should be legally forced to take Medicare and Medicaid – That is the Obamacare endgame. The goal is collectivism which allows the government to be the arbiter of what constitutes what is best for everyone - except the elite and their cronies. For a physician, not only will this mean a restriction of trade, it will also mean the end of The Hippocratic Oath, and the death of the doctor patient relationship.