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Pinkberry Franchise Agreement

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Pinkberry Franchise Agreement

C. You accept that these provisions are economically defensible, as commercial and other developments may make additional participation in franchising inappropriate on the part of you or us. In the same way that you have the option of not accepting an estate deductible, we have the option of no longer awarding or granting extensions to successors or other franchises in the circumstances described in this Agreement. B. If this agreement is granted as part of the acquisition of an existing franchise-traditional Pinkberry stores, the duration of this agreement will be, according to our choice: “Similar Business” – Any company that offers goods, products and/or services, offers or circumvents in one way or another that essentially resembles those goods, products and/or services that are now or in the future authorized by us to be offered in or by Pinkberry stores (including those companies and/or companies that grant franchises or licenses to operate or participate in such a transaction). Our receipt of royalties relating to similar transactions is not an authorization for your participation in similar transactions. D. You and we have agreed on these provisions, (i) the dissemination to be issued in the future will no longer be effective until the future; (ii) the obligation to release is usually triggered by a discretionary decision, which you have encountered to obtain various future benefits (for example. B the granting of an additional successor, a transfer franchise, etc.) and (iii) you who provide us with permission (and we inform you of any claims known to us) is a practical approach to business, if you and/or we propose to modify, expand, extend or modify our relationship at a later date. You and we agree that it is more productive to make mutual expectations about receiving these future publications and accept them now than to be surprised by such demands at a later stage in our relationship. Accord dated________ 20 (franchise agreement) for the operation of a Pinkberry Store A. Subject to our rights, as specified throughout this agreement and for its duration; We are not going to enter into a franchise agreement that will conedible a traditional Pinkberry Store or open a Traditional Tradition Store 2.2 in the area described in Exhibition 2.2.

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