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English Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet

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English Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet

These words always take the plural form of the verb: 15. Mathematics (is, are) John`s favorite subject, while civics (is, are) Andreas` favorite subject. These words are irregular plural nouns (nouns that are not made by adding -s) and they take the plural form of the verb: choose the correct form of the verb that corresponds to the subject. These questions are also singular, although they speak of a group of people. Subject-verb agreement is one of the first things you learn in English class: in this English lesson, you will learn some more advanced cases of subject-verb agreement that distract many learners. To talk about a single member of the police, we can say police officers or police officers – or the term gender-neutral police officer. There is a debate about the word “data”! Technically, the data is plural (the singular form is “date”). .

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