Middle class taxes

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Boxing, Wrestling, And Now The Affordable Care Act: Is The Fix In?

Obamacare was sold to Americans using smoke and mirrors. We only need to look at what has happened in Massachusetts to see the future: their costs of healthcare have risen; despite mandates people game the system carrying coverage when they are ill while dropping it when they recover (getting far more out of the system then they are putting in); the waiting time to see doctors is longer; and because the system is losing money, reimbursement to providers and hospitals will drop Obamacare sets up a system that is a transfer of wealth from the 99% - this is not change that Americans should stand for. It can only be reversed if doctors and patients stop playing the game and move to a free market system that removes the corporate and government middle men. This can be accomplished by both patients and doctors re-entering a fee for service system based on pricing transparency, and movement by patients to catastrophic coverage.